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SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard Community Technology Preview 1

  •  10-16-2006, 10:17 PM

    SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard Community Technology Preview 1

    I tested it and here are my first observations:

    • It's a command line tool.
    • To script the AdventureWorksDW database:
      1. I opened a command promt and change the directory to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Publishing
      2. I typed the following: sqlpubwiz script -d AdventureWorksDW C:\AdventureWorksDW.sql
      3. Unfortunatelly it failed due to an unsupported data type (the XML data type) for a table:
      4. The limitation was known: DPW Support Matrix
      5. I tried with Northwind database typing: sqlpubwiz script -d Northwind C:\Northwind.sql and this time it worked just fine:
    • Conclusion: pretty good tool at this stage (CTP1) but you should know that it has its limitation such as a limited set of objects supported and several  unsupported data types (XML, Varbinary(MAX), VarChar(MAX), NVarChar(MAX) etc.)
    • In November the CTP2 should be lauched with a GUI version of the tool and enhanced object and data types support.


    Cristian Andrei Lefter, SQL Server MVP
    MCTS, MCITP - Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
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